Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is it true that rhododendrons are deadly to dogs?

Some deadly plants include:

Common Toxic Plants: Cardiotoxic plants: (effect the heart)

Convallaria majalis - Lily of the Valley

Nerium oleander - Oleander

Rhododendron species - Rhododendron, Azalea and Rosebay

Taxus species - American, Japanese, English and Western Yew

Digitalis purpurea - Foxglove

Kalanchoe spp. Kalanchoe

Plants that could cause kidney failure:

Certain species of lilies (dangerous to Cats)

Rhubarb (the leaves)


Plants that could cause liver failure:



Plants that could cause multiple effects:

Autumn Crocus -- Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, renal, liver damage and bone marrow suppression

Castor Bean -- Can cause renal failure, convulsions and death

Is it true that rhododendrons are deadly to dogs?
to all animals, including people. (Fatal. Produces nausea and vomiting, depression, difficult breathing, prostration and coma.)

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