Monday, November 16, 2009

What ate my oriental poppy plant?

I live in the northeastern US and have a garden filled with many types of flowers, both perennials and annuals. The only plant that has gotten chomped completely down to the ground is my oriental poppy. It had a beautiful orange flower on it at the time. Has anyone had this happen, and do you know which wildlife would seek out this plant specifically? I thought of deer, but my rhododendrons, which deer are fond of, have been in tact. Rabbits usually are more delicate when eating plants. This poppy is really chomped. *sigh*

What ate my oriental poppy plant?
It could have been either....sometimes there is no rhyme or reason as to why they eat some and not others. My neighbor and I had some of the exact same plants last year.....hers got chewed on and mine didn't.

Go get a bottle of Liquid Fence and spray your remaining plants. Just don't be a moron like me. The first time I used it, it was windy out and I sprayed the stuff into the wind and it covered me! You won't quite get the impact of this story until you smell the stuff. Holy Moly! Bleeeeeccchhhh!

Hope you're able to get rid of the critters. Liquid Fence works on Deer and Rabbits to keep them away without harming them.
Reply:I have a problem with slugs, but they will not chomp to the ground. poppies do die back to the ground after seeding-are you sure it was eaten or only died back? either way it will come back next year!
Reply:It's either the deer or a groundhog!

Most likely the deer!

Electric fence will be your cure!

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